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Do you listen to the radio?


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Not really. Whenever I do drive, I just prefer the silence. I don't listen to the radio or to music too much but when my husband & I are going to visit my parents, we have the radio on. Some local news is always good to hear. Plus it helps pass the time. My husband has several stations he listens to actually on his way to work. Sometimes it can be calming listening to different types of music & it's easier than having to have CDs all over.  

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  • 2 months later...

I only listen to the radio when I'm driving and that is only a couple times a week. I used to listen to Amazon Prime Music until they changed their format and now I mostly use YouTube for music I want to listen to on demand. I don't want to pay for any music services and I don't get a good reception for radio at my house and don't particularly want to listen to a station while online. 

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I have CarPlay, but it requires I plug my phone in. Sometimes I’m too lazy to plug it in for just a short drive, so I listen to the radio.

My annoyance with the radio is how often they play the same songs over and over. Apparently the local classic rock station only recognizes 20 songs that came out between 1970 and 1989.

My favorite line from that station is “we own the entire Eagles catalog”. I didn’t know the Eagles only wrote one song.

  • Haha 1
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  • 2 months later...

I used to listen to the radio all the time years ago but now, I tend to use either Amazon Music or Spotify instead of the radio. 

The last time I listened to the radio was when I listened to it at Christmas. The radio station I was listening to was Magic and from 27th November until 28th December they do a Magic Christmas which is nonstop Christmas music and I listened to that when I was busy in the house. 

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  • 2 months later...

Maybe when I was still a teenager, I used to listen to radio stations more often than I do now. I basically only listen to radio now when I'm only driving/travelling. The biggest deal breaker for me with listening to radio stations is too commercials. It makes me completely sick! 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
On 2/2/2023 at 5:40 AM, Grungie said:

I have CarPlay, but it requires I plug my phone in. Sometimes I’m too lazy to plug it in for just a short drive, so I listen to the radio.

My annoyance with the radio is how often they play the same songs over and over. Apparently the local classic rock station only recognizes 20 songs that came out between 1970 and 1989.

My favorite line from that station is “we own the entire Eagles catalog”. I didn’t know the Eagles only wrote one song.

Yeah, I can't blame you here. In fact, unless it's paid radio, it's not worth it in some places.  Well, as you say, I can't understand why others are so closed minded (music listeners).

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