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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    LEGO Collaborates with European Space Agency to Revolutionize Lunar Habitation with Meteorite Dust Bricks

      TL;DR: LEGO is partnering with the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop housing infrastructure on the moon using bricks made from meteorite dust. These LEGO-like blocks will be used to construct functional structures such as launch pads and astronaut shelters. The bricks are made by combining meteorite dust with regolith and biodegradable plastic, allowing for 3D-printed, snap-together blocks. The project aims to address the challenge of using existing space materials for lunar construction. Fifteen ESA Space Bricks will be displayed worldwide until September, showcasing LEGO's potential role in future space habitation.

    A Nova Partnership: LEGO and the ESA

    In a substantial leap forward for lunar habitation, LEGO announced its collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA). This daring move sees the iconic toy manufacturer venture into space enhancement, focusing on developing housing infrastructure on the moon using LEGO bricks designed from meteorite dust.

    The innovative bricks, bearing a striking resemblance to conventional LEGO blocks, form the bedrock of a comprehensive strategy for constructing functional structures on the moon's surface. The ESA's grand plan is to create launch pads and astronaut shelters, potentially transforming LEGO-inspired designs into literal homes-from-home for future space explorers.

    "Our teams are working towards the future of space travel and take inspiration from not just what’s above us, but also what we can find on Earth," explained ESA Science Officer Aidan Cowley. "No-one has ever built a structure on the moon, so we have to work out not only how we build them but what we build them out of as we can’t take any materials with us."

    Overcoming Cosmic Challenges

    Both Earth and the moon are adorned in regolith, a loose layer of rock and dust covering the bedrock. However, their compositions vary, presenting the scientists with a complex problem - there is no lunar regolith available on Earth, save for minimal samples obtained during the Apollo missions.

    Confronting a few available options, the ESA research team decided on meteorite dust. They pinpointed a 4.5 billion-year-old rock, excavated in Northwest Africa at the outset of the 21st century. This meteorite, teeming with extraterrestrial materials like metal grains and small particles of previously molten silicate, known as chondrules, provided an ideal building block.

    In an innovative approach, researchers combined the meteorite dust with regolith and biodegradable plastic, creating material to 3D-print LEGO-like blocks. The bricks snap together with the same ease and flexibility that made the initial LEGO toys so beloved, allowing the team to prototype without needing to venture into orbit.

    Constructing the Future

    Fifteen of these ESA Space Bricks will be publicly displayed until September at various retail locations across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. One of the key display locations is the LEGO House in Billund, Denmark - the birthplace of the esteemed toy. Stocked with 25 million bricks forged into impressive waterfalls, plants, and creatures, the LEGO House represents both LEGO's storied past and its captivating future - a future entrenched in extraterrestrial development.

    Whether you're a LEGO enthusiast or simply interested in space exploration, these unique LEGO bricks pay homage to the immense potential of earthly ingenuity and collaboration in space. To witness this groundbreaking project, ensure you book a ticket at one of the select display locations well in advance.

    Image Credit: LEGO

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